
Customer testimonials

I just wanted to drop a quick note and say how excellent the service at UnitSpeed is. Every time I've had a problem, question, or request, the customer service agents have responded almost immediately and, in some instances, gone above and beyond what would normally be expected from customer service.
Thank you from a very satisfied customer!
James Curran - USA

Hello team!
I just wanted to drop a quick line, and thank you (once again) for another excellent customer service experience with UnitSpeed Host! I design sites on the side, and have been referring my new clients to you for hosting, because you guys are by far the best! There is nothing better than calling, and reaching a person directly (honestly, I must say that was the main deciding factor when making my switch from my old hosting provider, who just was never there for me)...
Well, that's my quick line, thanks again everyone... Look forward to future business with UnitSpeed.
Stefan Olson - Norway

Thank you so much for all your help. I can't tell you how pleased we are to be with UnitSpeed Host. What a difference in service. Believe me we are telling everybody.
B. O. - Australia

Over the past several years I have had sites hosted by many hosting services. NONE have delivered the level of customer support I have experienced in my short time with UnitSpeed Host"
?I would also like to single out one individual in particular. His willingness to assist with a CGI script error blew me away. I've never had a support person offer script help in the past. Thank you.
?I still have several accounts sitting around but you can be assured they will be moved as quickly as I can get them done.
?Keep up the GREAT work!
Juliusz Rohnka - Poland

I am extremely satisified with UnitSpeed Host. I am particularily happy with their server and network speed and the high quality of support that I enjoy with them.
I highly recommend their services and have always receive prompt and courteous attention from them. The staff is wonderful.
Kim Cho - Hong Kong

I wish I could come up with the superlative to describe how grateful I am to have found UnitSpeed as my web host. I feel very strongly that your support, your assistance and, best of all, your patience with me has been very instrumental in the success of my web site.
Even better is the fact that I can refer you to everyone I know who is looking for a web host because I know that there is no better value out there. Your prices are by far better than anyone else out there and your support, server speed and reliability is unsurpassed.
I thank you so much for your contribution to my success and I look forward to a long relationship with UnitSpeed Host.
Best regards. Matt Cotting - USA

I'd like to say how much I really like your hosting company ... I have dealt with a few being a web designer and have never been so pleased with the service. It is such a relief to finally find a competent and helpful company.
Jacky Rosen - Canada

We are very happy with your technical support dept. All our questions have been answered with complete details and really good and clear! Your servers and network is fast. Our visiters world wide are happy. In comparison with our last provider, there is a big difference with UnitSpeed Host.
Pascal Meijer - Holland

We want to say, 'Thank You!', for all of your help. Since we were newbies to all of this, you made our tasks a way lot easier. Thanks Again!"
Emile Milot - France

I am really impressed by UnitSpeed Host. You were referred to me by a friend who really knows quality, and only works with winners. Everyone I have spoken with is professional, knowledgeable, polite and friendly. You're available to me around the clock, and this is really important to me. Your technical support is top notch, and jumps at the opportunity to be what I call "unreasonably responsible". It also seem that your company have fast servers and network. You are my fourth web hosting company (talk about pain) and I'm sure I am finally "home". Thank you.
Alex Huang - Singapore

I would like to take this opportunity to mention what a great job you guys are doing. Your service is fast, reliable and I always get an answer to all my technical questions. Keep up the good work.
Ibrahim - Turkey

UnitSpeed is an outstanding web site hosting company for anyone wanting a real dedicated group of concerned professional customer service oriented one on one web site service provider. I needed a Microsoft Frontpage hosting provider. I found UnitSpeed to be that and much more. They are interested in solving any problem or question you may have. Their 24 hr direct on-line support is outstanding. I have two sites, and will add as many more as I need. Thank you UnitSpeed for providing what everyone is offering, but have a hard time to provide.
Marco Mercado - Mexico